The Video has now become a powerful weapon of communication on the Internet. Read more here: AFL-CIO. Millions and millions of people around the world every day watching videos through your computer, meaning that this medium is an excellent Marketing tool for any business online that you are developing. Numbers that scare according to Pingdom, popular websites monitoring service, during 2010 there were 1970 millions of Internet users around the world. This is more 28% of the world?s population. And these numbers continue to grow every day of those 1970 million users, 84% of them watch videos online. These are approximately 1655 million people. Youtube, the popular video site?s Internet numbers are also amazing: 2,000 million the number of videos that are on YouTube every day. 35.
Number of hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Credit: George Rohr-2011. 186 Average number of online videos that every Internet user sees per month 14% percentage Internet users that upload videos online YFacebook, where you can also upload videos, is not far behind: 2,000 million the number of videos that you see on Facebook each month. 20 million number of videos uploaded to Facebook each month. And these figures always tend to increase more and more therefore, as I explained above, Video Marketing is an excellent way of promoting what you want to disseminate. How to implement Video Marketing in your business taking into account the figures seen previously, producing a video about your activities, this may be seen by millions of potential users.
To do so, just know some methods to make your effective video to promote your business. The first thing you should do is the video in question. This is easier than it seems, since it does not necessarily have to be a very elaborate video. You can produce a simple one for example, with Power Point slides, play them in your Pc and go recording them with a screen capturing program such as Camtasia Studio while you talk with a microphone. Thus will you be a beautifully produced video, with passages of slides and recording your voice, explaining each one of them. A very practical way of creating videos is also transforming them from an article. If you have any written article, you can incorporate images and go read the article while you record. These programs are very easy to use. If you don?t have knowledge of them, you just simply do a search for tutorials on Google; There are many of them of excellent quality. Also if you have a webcam or camcorder, you can record yourself to yourself talking about any topic, or ask someone rather than his testimony about your product or business. This method is still more effective than slides because it generates more credibility and confidence to the people. Platform to upload videos once you have made your video, will have to upload it to some of the many platforms of existing Web videos. As you already know, the most popular is YouTube, which is where your video must be if or if. Other platforms that you can upload videos are: Kewwego, Revver, Metacafe,, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc. You will find them easily by searching. In the Blog of the Online business you already have a video section that will be updated regularly, where you can have at your disposal several videos that will help you with your online business.
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