February 4th, 2013
Housekeeping items first. Stay tuned after this week?s SND judging (general judging, World?s Best judging in the same weekend, AND APSE judging is this weekend as well!) and we?ll dive right into the return of the Best of Sports Design.
For now, enjoy some print designs from the Ravens? 34-31 Put a Ring On the Lights That Went Out win.
Baltimore Sun A1 (Click to enlarge)
Baltimore Sun Sports Final
Baltimore Sun Sports Early
Boston Globe Sports (Luke Knox design)
San Jose Mercury-News A1
San Francisco Chronicle A1
Modesto Bee A1
Santa Cruz Sentinel A1
The Record A1
Washington Examiner
Washington Post A1
The Times-Picayune
The Town Talk (Alexandria, La)
Carroll County Times
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Sports (Allison Hong design)
Buffalo News Sports (Andrea Zagata design)
Buffalo News Quarter Pages (Vince Chiaramonte design)
Beaver County Times preview (Eric Hall design)
Detroit Free Press preview (Ryan Ford design)
Source: http://www.snd.org/2013/02/super-bowl-xlvii-pages/
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