Hi there!? Happy Wednesday to you!? I hope your week is going well.? Mine is going pretty good.? We are supposed to be getting really bad thunderstorms and rain today.? I?m not looking forward to that.? I hate driving in bad rain especially since the tires on my car have been acting up lately.? I know I?m going to need to replace all of them eventually.? I?m not looking forward to that though.
Anyway, Sunday night was the start of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.? Mike and I went to his parents house for a holiday dinner.? Then last night, I decided to make dinner for Melissa and my mom.? I cooked the majority of everything during the day on Sunday when I had time because I knew I wasn?t going to have much time to prepare dinner when I got home from work yesterday.
I made a roasted chicken using a recipe that I had seen on The Best Thing I Ever Made on the Food Network.? The recipe is from Chef Marc Murphy.? I didn?t follow it exactly but I used a lot of the herbs and ideas that he had mentioned.? It was one of the best chickens I ever made!? It was tender and juicy.
Roast Chicken
I made roasted vegetables which I completely forgot to take a picture of but I roasted green beans, mushrooms, carrots, and 2 different types of squash.? Speaking of which, I forgot to take pictures of matzah ball soup too!? Oh geez.? It turned out delicious though.? It had lots of flavor.
I also made kasha and bowties.? Kasha is a grain and it tastes delicious with the bowtie pasta.
Kasha and Bowties
I also made a sweet kugel with cinnamon and raisins.
Roast chicken and potatoes
Melissa and my mom brought some of my favorite cookies!? Cake cookies.? They are so good!
Cake cookies
I made one of the best desserts that I have ever made in my life!? It comes from the Pioneer Woman.? It?s her Apple Cake in an Iron Skillet.? If you have a cast iron skillet, and you love butter, apples, and cinnamon, this is a MUST make recipe for you!? Keep in mind it is a bit time-consuming but it?s completely worth it.? Trust me on that!? The only thing I changed about the recipe was that I used one stick of butter for melting the apples and sugar instead of using two.? I thought two was a bit much.
Fresh out of the skillet
Ready to be flipped!
Apple cake! Look how yummy!
This cake would be delicious warm with a side of vanilla ice cream.? I am dreaming of this dessert.? It was THAT good.? Mike even really liked it and he is more of a chocolate fan.? I was shocked how much he liked it.? I would totally make this again.? It is an impressive dessert.? What is your favorite dessert or food item to cook for company?
Alright well that is all I have today.? Have a great Wednesday!
Filed under: Uncategorized
Source: http://withasideofhope.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/a-family-holiday-dinner/
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