It is very important to have a good credit history. A good financial future depends on what you do day to day management of your debts. If your credit history is not good, the bank or the lender may refuse to give you the loan you need so. It is also possible that, if necessary, you get it ? but paying very high interest rates by the amount you have requested.
So very difficult to have a mortgage for a new house, buy the car you need to be very difficult to rent an apartment or hire a service. The credit rating agencies consider a good score if you are on 689 points. Here are some tips that will be of great help to improve or rebuild your credit and get an optimal score.
Check Credit Report
It is advisable that you check your credit report. First you must know what information is registered on your person at the credit rating agencies. Make sure the updated data included and correctly. If the report of your credit history contained any incorrect data or a loan that you have not requested, be careful. You could be a victim of a phishing scam. Immediately report any bugs you find in your credit history.
Request reports
It is very important that you apply at least 2 times a year, your credit history to credit rating agencies. You may do so by mail, for free or for a small fee Internet. So you will always have your information updated and you will have time to correct any error it committed in your history.
Contesting report
If you want to dispute a credit report, send a letter to the rating agency specifying the reasons why you think they made a mistake on your credit history. Do it with a ?return receipt requested? (return receipt requested).
Keep documents
To avoid headaches with possible errors in your credit history always CANNED all original documents of your purchases, specially purchase invoices, receipts and billing statements, will serve to provide proof for any inconvenience
Pay your bills on time
Pay your bills and bills on time, whether it is before the deadline, the better. The arrears of fees or bills, in addition to carrying high interest for late payment, what they do is to pay much more for what you bought, a very negative effect on your credit score.
Pay more
It is recommended to pay more than the minimum amount required each month for the debts of your credit purchases. Not own all credit granted. You hold down your credit card balances and other revolving credit. Debts outstanding high you have to cancel you deduct points on your credit score.
Do not apply for new credit
Do not apply for or open new credit unless absolutely necessary or necessary. Always look for other alternatives, or bring your priorities changed for later this purchase, if not look so compromised your financial future. Neither apply for a new credit to improve your record, most likely will not affect at all to your credit score.
Pay your credit
Given the choice of paying your credit or apply for another in order to move it, do not hesitate, pay the entire credit. With more open accounts owing the same amount the lower your credit score.
There are no magic solutions
Beware of companies that offer instant or magical solutions to solve your credit problems. Desiree of financial product offerings that help improves your credit score. There is no easy or immediate way to do it. To improve your credit history or solve your financial problems will need time, effort and care.If you?re not with the capacity to manage your budget efficiently, it resorts to a credit counseling service. Many organizations offer counseling services in person and are free.
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