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Upcoming public lecture, University of Ottawa - casca news

Upcoming public lecture, University of Ottawa

Tim Ingold
Keynote Speaker
Living Research Conference
Public Lecture in French and in English, University of Ottawa

As part of the conference Living Research: Reflexivities, Positionalities
and Transformations, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the
University of Ottawa, and Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Associations, and Student Anthropological Community of Ottawa present:

Tim Ingold, Chair of Social Anthropology, University of Aberdeen
"Dreaming of Dragons and the Imagination of Real Life."

4:00 pm, Monday, April 15, 2013
Social Science Building
Room 4007
120 University
University of Ottawa, Ottawa ON

Location: Social Science Building, room 4007Campus maps

Wine and cheese to follow.

For more information on Tim Ingold's work see:

Tim Ingold's theoretical interests include: Ecological approaches in
anthropology and psychology; comparative anthropology of hunter-gatherer
and pastoral societies; human-animal relations; theories of evolution in
anthropology, biology and history; relations between biological,
psychological and anthropological approaches to culture and social life;
environmental perception; language, technology and skilled practice;
anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture; the anthropology of lines
and line-making.

For more information on the Living Research: Reflexivities,
Positionalities and Transformations Confrence, see: livingresearch.ca

The Living Research Conference is organized as part of the inauguration of
the new Social Sciences Building which begins at 13:00 pm, in Room 4006,
Social Science Building, Monday, April 15th, and runs to Tuesday, April
16th 2013.

The University of Ottawa's new Social Sciences Building includes a
spectacular new Biofilter wall. At six stories high, this is the tallest
living Biofilter wall in North America. The wall is located in the
beautiful skylit atrium and can also be seen from outside the building.
For more information, see:

Participation in this event is free. Registration is appreciated. Please
consult livingresearch.ca for more information and to register.

Registration is not required.

Parking available on campus

Source: http://casca-news.blogspot.com/2013/04/tim-ingold-monday-april-15-upcoming.html

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