সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

GMing and You or So you?ve decided to play God.

Hi I?m Bosch and I?ve been GMing for quite a while although not here, over this time I?ve developed a few ideas and pointers to help me stagger through an RP and hopefully give everyone a good time (much like a good brothel owner). In this article I?m going to share my thoughts on RPing. I?m not saying I?m totally right or that my tips will work all the time but just whats worked for me.

Before we begin though I?d like to clear up a few definitions.

An RP.

A Role Play which is the whole reason we are here. Notice that it?s not a RPG as in a Role Playing Game. I draw a distinction because ?Game? implies competition which I feel it not the point of an RP. To me an RP is about a group of people telling a story from the point of view of multiple characters. You can disagree with me but I believe that good RPs are more about cooperation than competition.


This stands for Game Master and I wish there was another term for this like ?story leader? or ?coordinator? as it fits the role better. The name is a nod to the early of Table Top RPGs where one person would present situations for the other characters to react to. For are uses it the person running the show who comes up with the world and administrates the RP.

Should I be a GM?

Yes, GMing is fun and a great way to meet lots of RPers, I think everyone should give it a go at least once if just to see what it?s like.
Being a GM takes three things an Idea, Dedication and Communication. Much like a tripod if you?re missing one the whole thing is guaranteed to fall over.

World Building

Without a doubt this is the most important thing you will do as a GM because it?s what attracts people to your RP and what keeps them there. I find it helps to think in terms of Genres and where they overlap. So maybe you want to do a crime RP but in a Sci-Fi Setting or a Modern Fantasy RP with comedy elements. The reason thinking in terms of genre is a good thing is it makes it easier to explain your RP quickly to potential RPers.

Once you have settled on a general theme it?s time to put your mark on it. You need to work out the politics, history, groups technology, magic, races and everything else that goes into your world.

For the purposes of this Guide we?re going to use an example RP that I?m literally making up as we go along. It?s a Sci-FI Vampire Hunter RP called BloodCell. See just in that sentence you already have an idea what?s going on.


The Plot is very important but secondary to world building as the plot can vary wildly from what you planned to what happens, this is because of RPer involvement. In my opinion the RP should start with a big event, a murder or an attack or a wedding, something dramatic that immediately gives the RPers something to do. Nothing kills an RP faster than the ?getting to know you phase? where characters just parrot the information on their CS. Start strong and kick off the RP with a bang.

The second important thing to note is as the GM the plot is your character and all other concerns are secondary. It?s your job to get the RP through and finished. That means you must be willing to sacrifice characters for the good of the story. Sometimes you can have fun with this. For example write a full CS for a character, big them up in you first three or four posts and then kill them. I mean really kill them dramatically and brutally, this is often a good way to introduce an antagonist, who odds are you will be playing.

The Third most important thing is that you have a plot that is an ensemble thing. Do not have a main character. Firstly if the main person leaves your screwed, secondly it will give too much control to a single RPer, you?re the GM so you are in control. Thirdly it means the other RPers are bored and reduced to glorfied NPCs. Nobody likes this.

So subplots are important. That basically means making sure everybody has something to do. We?ll come back to this below.
Ok so if we return to our example RP BloodCell we know we?re going to have Vampires. But I don?t really like the sparkly kind of Vamps, I like the pure evil variety. So maybe Vampirism has become an epidemic which has led to the founding of evil Vampire extremist groups. So we need something to fight these terrorist Vampires.


Too clich?d.

It?s a Sci-Fi setting so why not Cyborgs or robots like Ghost in the Shell?

This could work as both groups will have impressive strength which will led to impressive fight scenes while neither are entirely human which could give the more philosophical RPers something to sink their teeth into (Ha Ha.. sink their teeth into.. see it?s about vampires and they bite people you know, with their teeth... nevermind). Additionally maybe the vampires are genuinely discriminated against adding another layer for thoughtful RPers to explore.

Thinking about how people are going to approach your RP is key to developing a good plot and World.

Drumming up some business.

The Interest Check (Int Chk) should give a brief outline of the RP?s world, plot and comparable works.

So the Int Chk for BloodCell could read like this.

In the Year 2051 Vampirism has become an epidemic with afflicted individuals forming their own subculture and feeding off the living. Faced with a disaster the government forms the AVUs or Anti Vampirism Units to seek out and destroy Vampiric activity. The members of the AVU ex humans turned into Cyborgs designed to hunt and kill Vampires.

This RP will follow a unit of AVU called the BloodCell as they track down a groupl of Vampires believed to have taken part in a terrorist action.

The RP will be similar in nature to Ghost in the Shell, Day Breakers and Blade Runner.

The Title for the Int Chk topic should be a briefer description.

Sci-Fi Vampire Hunter RP

Remember to bump it when you want more RPers.

What about Roleplayers Wanted?

In my experience you get less hits with the Roleplayers Wanted section but every little helps.

Remember to frame to topic title in terms of Role Players wanted.

Looking for RPers to play Cyborg Agents in a Vampire Hunting Agency.

Then provide a link to the Int Check.

Remember to bump it whenever you need more RPers.

Time to Make an RP?

Unfortunately I can?t tell you what the magic group size is as it varies depending on RP type. What I would suggest is take on at least two more RPers than you feel you need. This is because RPers are possibly the biggest flakes you will meet in any walk of life at a few will disappear in the first few posts. At least if you have more than you need the drop outs won?t be felt as keenly.

Once you?ve a good size group it?s time to Click the create new Roleplay button.

Creating an RP.

Hells horses that?s a lot of little boxes. In this section I?ll give a brief run through of those boxes.

To help we?re going to use our fictional RP BloodCell. Anything in italics is what goes into the field.


The RP is set in 2051 and the planet is facing an epidemic of Vampirism and terrorist actions. The Vampires are treated as second class citizens and have formed their own subcultures. While most are peaceful some have begun feeding off the living and fighting for Vampire control of the planet. Faced with a potential war against an undead foe the government forms the AVUs or Anti Vampirism Units the seeks out and destroys Anti-Human Vampiric activity. The members of the AVU ex humans turned into Cyborgs designed to hunt and kill Vampires.

The RP group will be playing the members of a AVU called BloodCell thats has been tasked to investigate some disturbing reports...
(A rehash of the Int check is acceptable)

Original, Vampire, Sci-Fi. Put whatever you feel is relevant just make sure you stand over your decisions for example If I was use the word Magic that would be wrong because magic dosen?t feature in the RP and will lead to confusion.

The BoodCell Universe. I always had trouble with this question but I guess it?s if you have a successful RP setting you can set other RPs in the same setting but tell a different story.

Character approval.
I always say yes to approval because you don?t want any random asshole rocking up and getting their sticky mitts on your RP.

Is this role play original?
The answer should always be yes, but sadly some people make fanfiction RPs, if your RP is a fanfiction deal (this includes RPs set in the same universe but featuring none of the characters) you need to tick no. I?ll discuss my feelings on Non Original RPs below.

In this section you lay out the laws. Things to consider are what is acceptable sexual and violent content, what is the minimum number of posts per week, is there a post word count (you should never have a word count on posts, sometimes a post needs to be a one liner), grammatical standards (remember not everyone received the same level of education as you, speaks the same language as you or has the same mental facilities as you. So long as they can write a good understandable story then live and let live.) etc.

In this section you want to introduce the RP in much the same way as you did in the Int Chk. Provide a brief description for people just browsing.

Press submit and you?re done.

First steps.

The way this site is set up you must have an active character in an RP to be able to create OOC topic. So go create your character. Keep in mind your character is really the Plot or the RP it?s self, that?s your baby so ensure the character you create is important enough to drive the plot in the opening posts, the ?big bad? and ?quest giver? are often good choices. Odds are you?ll have multiple characters but you just need this one so you can make topics and get to administrating.

Once you have created your character go make a new topic in the OOC title like ?The World Of BloodCell? or ?The BloodCell Primer? or ?The BloodCell Bible?. You want to get across that this is where the World is explained.

In this topic you describe the world, groups technology social structure of the world you constructed, before you were trying to entice people by providing enough info without overloading them. Now is the time for sensory overload, include everything you came up with during the World Building phase.

Now you need to go back to the Introduction of your RP and ensure this ?Bible? topic is linked to the introduction so people browsing will know you put in the time world building. There is nothing worse than an RP that the GM put no thought into especially when it?s high concept.

You could also put your world building on the intro page but I feel it looks cluttered. That?s just personal taste.

Bible maintenance will become very important in the opening days as RPers join and ask questions you never considered. A popular one is post apocalyptic currencies because nobody every thinks about it, freaks out trying to do something original and inevitably winds up using bottle caps.

Character Sheets

The character sheet system here is pretty comprehensive but if you require additional information just request it in the introduction.
You should view character sheets as tryouts, if an RPer can?t write a good CS odds are they won?t be able to write a good post. Additionally if they make no mention of the world you built or use very generic terms maybe you should question how closely they are going to read the posts of others. Your RP needs players to be successful but one good RPer is worth twenty poor ones.
Additionally try to take a chance on Newbies, if they have a quality CS give them a shot.

If you do refuse a CS it?s always nice to say way and offer constructive criticism. You don?t have to be harsh but be honest and let people know it?s nothing personal.

First posts.

These are all about setting the scene and letting people establish their characters. Here is where you want to describe your big event that will kick off the RP. Excitement will be high at this point so you want to capitalise on that.

For Example BloodCell could start off with a group of Vampires taking hostages including an AVU member (perhaps you could take this character and make them a bit of a Billy Badass). The RPers are scrambled to take care of it but before they can get there the Vamps detonate an explosive device killing all inside. Including your Billy Badass character in an ?opening episode? plot twist.

Oh no. The RP kicks off and the characters have to chase down leads across your Sci-Fi world, maybe mop up some surviving Vamps or provide first aid to survivors. The important thing is everyone has something to do.

You could also set up a couple of throw backs. Maybe Billy Badass survives the explosion, gets turned and comes back later as a Vampire Cyborg with a grudge. This is something good GMs are able to do, they leave little lose threads that can be picked up later in the story, sometimes they come off, other times they don?t. People tend to remember the ones that work out though and it can give the impression you have a grand masterplan when you actually got lucky. Given the interactivity of RPing and quality of the story, credibility can be somewhat stretched and your RPers won?t call bullshit if plots get dropped or merged into others. Often these things develop organically, maybe a one shot character turns out to be popular with RPers so next time you were going to use a faceless NPC use the popular one.

Another thing you want to do (if you are this way inclined) is try to set the theme in your first few posts if you going mega happy RP crack a lot of Jokes in the opening posts or if you want the opposite write like a depressed Raymond Chandler.

So that?s setting up an RP, now we?ll look at keeping one going.


If you view this as hosting a party I find it makes more sense. It?s your job to make sure everyone is having a good time, getting introduced to each other and feel they can drop into the OOC just for a chat or to shoot the shat. You can do a couple of forum games here, discuss the plot, talk about whatever. The point is you?re trying to make friends (which is kind of the point) a group of RPers that can do this are more likely to stick together through the lean times. Its your job to provide the initial spark but pretty soon people will just be interacting normally.

The other purpose is announcements. Maybe there has been a pretty dramatic development in one of the posts. Make sure to point out something big has happened as some people only skim and might miss out. You should also praise people have wrote particularly well as the RPers deserve it. To you the whole thing is planned in your head, to them they have to get inside your head and then translate that into a post. It also gives other RPers an idea what you looking for.


I like mysteries and I like surprises as I assume others do as well. Therefore if I have an important plot point to drop on someone I do it via PM and collaborate with other RPers in an effort to surprise other RPers. I also encourage RPers to do this amongst themselves as I like being shocked when a Plot takes an unexpected turn. For example when an RPer makes their character fail to complete a goal is a beautifully awesome for me as I have to adapt the story on the fly. It keeps things interesting. Unfortunately few RPers get this and will often be worried it makes their character look weak. I never understood this ?Prison Yard? mentality, we?re playing make believe on the internet at the end of the day, it?s ok to take chance.

The other side of PMs is keeping the rabble in line. I?ve found a PM is way more effective method of pulling someone up than going public on the OOC. Publicity just leads to bruised egos and toys being thrown out of the pram it?s much easier to drop a quick PM and keep things nice and civil.

In this last section I?m going address some General Questions.

Nobody is joining my Amazing RP?

First off keep the Int Chk and Roleplayers wanted sections active by bumping them. Secondly ensure they are neatly designed and well written. A poorly written block of text is sure to put people off.

If you have friends on the site, PM them to see if they fancy getting involved, if you have RPers signed up get them to recruit their friends.

If none of this works maybe it?s time to look at your idea, is it original ? Have you made it clear what is happening? Have you made it seem like there is something to do?

What?s the deal with originality?

My RPs are always original, sure they may be influenced by other works but most times they are a amalgamation of lots of influences. Using the BloodCell example it?s pretty obvious where I picked up ideas (Van Helsing in Blade Runner after making a quick stop at Deus Ex) the advantage to having my own setting is I?m not constrained by cannon or existing characters. Consider why there are no James Bond RPs, the chaos over who plays Bond would be crazy. Instead we have spy RPs that are heavy on Women and Tuxedos, James bond in everything but name.

In addition Original RPs are better because it means the GM has taken time to invest in something they believe in. This indicates a certain level of motivation and Dedication.

Any tips and tricks for GMing?

GMs love giving people choices but sometimes wuss out on consequences. Lets say in our example RP an RPer has a choice between saving two RPers, only one can be saved. Some would see this as a binary choice. A or B. Good RPers will see many more. Maybe their character says ?Screw this, I hate both these jerks.? And leaves the room. Maybe the character says take me instead. Maybe they try to save both and everyone dies. The point is you have got to be brutal with the consequences of these decisions.

It?s vital you make it clear from the get go that you plan to have situations like this where one character can completely screw over another (in the name of drama) and that death is very likely. Some people might get annoyed their character dies but always keep in mind your allegiance is to the story, if that pisses some people off along the way so be it, but when it?s all said and done and you?ve run an awesome RP people will want to be involved with your next one.

Of course it?s only fair to allow RPers to come back with another character.

Another Idea is to take a break from traditional types of RPs maybe fantasy has become stale why not try something else. Additionally you could try RPing in different ways. An example of this would be an RP I?m running where instead of traditional posts I give people jobs and they write how the job is completed in the form of a short story. Creativity is number one here, if you can imagine it give it a go.

So that?s it, maybe it was all stuff you knew or maybe you think I?m full of BS or maybe it helped out and you have more questions. Whatever your thoughts please post below and I?ll try to answer.

Oh, BloodCell isn?t an RP I ever intend to make so if anyone thinks they can make it work feel free to take it. I?m just not sure the world is ready for Cyborg Vampires.

Your Pal Bosch.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/Dj-7p05UlFU/viewtopic.php

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Email List Building - Welcome to Coast Business Directory business ...

Email list building is a common marketing practice these days. There are very few businesses that you can go into these days that don?t ask for your email address or ask if you want to sign up for special offers or updates through your email. This is the first step you should take, as well, when building your email list. Start by asking your customers to fill out a short piece of paper containing their name and email address. This will give you the opportunity to keep in some sort of contact and communication with your customers.

Email list building sounds easy, right? Well, it can be if you go about it the right way. These days, with everyone asking for email addresses with the amount of spam on the internet, it is getting harder and harder for you to be able to get a person?s email address from them for your email list building database. So you?ll have to find some way to encourage them. If you are an in-store individual requesting an email address for building your email list, try pointing out the benefits, like newsletters, promotions or other benefits they might receive by having their email address on your email list. This is called direct contact collection. You are collecting the email address for the email list directly from face-to-face customers. For those of us with websites, adding a simple form for email collection is usually the best way to go about email list building. Simply write a short paragraph about why your customer should be giving their email address to you and then request the email by putting in a submission form.

If you already have an email list, try this email list building option. Ask your customers for referrals. If they like your site and what you have to offer, request the email address of friends and family so you can send an invitation to those people to take a look at your site. Or, depending on the site, offer a referral program where customers can earn something for every so many people they get to sign up and give you their email addresses. A third option in the email list building process is telemarketing. In this process, you build your email list by contacting customers over the phone and letting them know they could perhaps avoid the call if they signed up for the email service.

Try to use as many of these as you can when attempting to do email list building. This will help you to create a large email address base.

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Source: http://www.welcometocoastcity.org/email-list-building-how-to-get-started-building-your-own-email-mailing-list.php

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Place a Used Tire Around a Log When Splitting Wood to Minimize LaborPlace a Used Tire Around a Log When Splitting Wood to Minimize LaborIf you split your own firewood consider using an old tire or bungee cord to keep the log together as you split. YouTube user markp0177 shows how the tire makes the chore easier as you don't have to constantly stop and pick the log up again.

Splitting wood with a tire? | YouTube

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/_bYk63kkyTw/place-a-used-tire-around-a-log-when-splitting-wood-to-minimize-labor

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Simple Abundance Exercises Can Change Your Mindset | Self ...

Article title: Simple Abundance Exercises Can Change Your Mindset
Article Category: Self Improvement

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When you feel more prosperous, you will lead life of improved health, happiness and prosperity. However, when most of us think about our finances, most of the time we don?t have thoughts of prosperity.
Continue reading this article?

Source: http://www.medicalguide.pro/3868/simple-abundance-exercises-can-change-your-mindset-8.html

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DirectX 11.0 Desktop games using Windows SDK 8.0 in VS2012

Hi. I am looking for tutorials on developing DirectX 11.0 desktop games using the new?DirectX SDK (which is part of the new Windows SDK 8.0).?Most tutorials I found ask about downloading the June 2010 DX SDK.

I have Visual Studio 2012 ultimate installed on Windows 8 Pro.

I am a newbie to DX. Please suggest some non-MSDN beginner tutorials and/or a good book.

Source: http://www.gamedev.net/topic/636562-directx-110-desktop-games-using-windows-sdk-80-in-vs2012/

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3 Steps to a Remarkable New Year: Review, Reflect, Resolve | The ...

As the year comes to a close, amidst the hectic holiday and business year end ?to-dos,? I urge you to find some quiet time just for yourself. Sit or walk, be still or move ? whatever helps you have an open and clear mind. Bring along a pad of paper or your favorite electronic device and give yourself the precious gift of reflective, uninterrupted time to set your intention for a remarkable new year.


1. First, spend some time reviewing the year you have had both personally and professionally. Don?t be too easy or too hard on yourself. Don?t beat yourself up for what you didn?t accomplish or for mistakes and failures. Rather, just summarize and describe the year you?ve had in a few words or in a sentence or two.?At the end of this review, if you are so inclined, write a headline to a story about the prior year.

We recently asked??How would you describe your 2012??? on social media.?Bold business women, passionate professionals, enthusiastic entrepreneurs and fearless females around the world reflected and gave us their answers. Read them here!


2. Once you?ve managed to succinctly describe your year, spend some time considering how you feel about the statements you came up with. Are you proud? Are you sad? Are you inspired? Are you encouraged or discouraged? What have you learned about yourself and your work this past year? What can you build on? What should you discard or abandon to create more space so you can better achieve what you set out to accomplish.


3. Think ahead to next year. See if you can tap into your true sense of purpose, that which ignites your true spirit. How do you want to describe your year at the end of 2013? How do you want to feel? What would be and feel so right for you? For now, don?t set goals, timelines or actions. Instead, set an overall intention for your year. Consider, above all what you intend to create for yourself, your business and your career.

Ruminate on your intention for awhile. Sit with it, embrace it, play it out over and over in your mind. If its helpful to you, share it with a trusted friend, mentor or sponsor.?Ask yourself, if you can truly own it. Are you fully committed to manifest this intention?

Since I work to practice what I preach, here are mine:


2012: A Year of Transition, Foundation and Growth


2012 was the year I laid the foundation to provide business and career advice for women in developing and emerging markets and around the world. I feel great about hiring Erin Swanson, our Director of Digital. I feel?both?good about the investments I made, the progress we made, the global partnerships we developed and the changes I made both in my work ? even giving up many wonderful clients to focus more completely on my true professional life purpose ? ?and in my home life to create more space to achieve my vision?and?I am impatient with the pace of our growth and reach.


2013 is the breakout year for The Way Women Work!

I am steadfast in my belief that my life?s journey has prepared me for this time. I commit to add real value to the businesses, careers and lives of ?business women in developing and emerging markets through a ?how to succeed? book written specifically for them?and by sharing practical and expert professional advice with women globally.

Wishing you a remarkable 2013! Write and tell us about it. We?d love to share your success.



Source: http://thewaywomenwork.com/2012/12/3-steps-to-a-remarkable-new-year-review-reflect-resolve/

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রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

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'Fiscal cliff' meeting at White House: Will it be 'Lincoln' moment for Obama?

Many Senate Republicans say that with Congress deadlocked on averting the fiscal cliff, it is up to Obama to force a deal. The lesson from the movie 'Lincoln,' they say, is 'the president has to lead.'

By Gail Russell Chaddock,?Staff writer / December 28, 2012

President Barack Obama returns a Marine honor guard's salute as he steps off the Marine One helicopter and walks on the South Lawn at the White House in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 27, as he returned early from his Hawaii vacation for meetings on the fiscal cliff.

Charles Dharapak/AP


The Friday afternoon meeting with congressional leaders at the White House represents a potential ?Lincoln? moment for President Obama as time has effectively run out to cut a deal to avert the Jan. 1 ?fiscal cliff? of spending cuts and tax hikes.

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That?s the view, anyway, of many Senate Republicans, back in session this week, who say that, with Congress gridlocked, it?s now all up to Mr. Obama to produce a plan that can both cut deficits and win bipartisan support.

?To get hard things done, the president has to lead,? says Sen. Roy Blunt (R) of Missouri, referencing the must-see film of the year for Washington insiders, ?Lincoln.?

?Virtually every member of the Senate, I think, has seen this new movie on Lincoln, and the lesson of that movie is that to get hard things done the president has to decide he wants something done,? he adds.

In ?Lincoln? the movie, an intensely engaged, hands-on president consolidates Republican ranks on the need for an amendment abolishing slavery, while peeling off enough Democratic votes to win by argument or raw political muscle.

President Lincoln?s effort to pass an amendment abolishing slavery took months. Obama has four days to find a way around some $600 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts set to take effect on Jan. 1.

Moreover, the 3 p.m. Oval Office meeting marks the first time the president has met directly with all four congressional leaders on the fiscal cliff since mid-November. With Congress gridlocked and House Republicans in disarray, it?s not clear that the Obama White House has the capacity or the will to take responsibility for the outcome.

For what it?s worth, Obama is winning the fiscal cliff battle in public opinion polls. A Gallup poll released this week finds that 54 percent of Americans approve of his handling of the fiscal cliff negotiations, compared with 26 percent who back the Republican leaders. While most Americans had been confident that Congress would resolve the fiscal cliff by Jan. 1, that confidence level dropped this week to just 50 percent.

"Blunt's remarks show how intractable this situation is. The GOP doesn't want to take the blame for proposing anything, and instead wants to blame the White House for not doing the same," says longtime congressional budget analyst Stan Collender,a partner at Quorvis Communications in Washington, in an e-mail.

"The White House sees no reason to bail out the GOP, whose approval rating is in the 20s while the president's is in the 50s," he adds.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/feXwngQ34qw/Fiscal-cliff-meeting-at-White-House-Will-it-be-Lincoln-moment-for-Obama

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Last-minute deal averts East Coast port strike

13 hrs.

A strike that could have crippled 15 major ports on the East Coast and the Gulf and put a crimp in the nation's commerce?has been avoided after dock workers, port operators?and shippers agreed to a deal that extends the workers' contract, a federal mediator said Friday.

The parties settled on a 30-day extension of the contract after a meeting Thursday with Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Director George H. Cohen, the FMCS said in a statement.

The parties had faced a Saturday deadline for resolving the labor dispute. The International?Longshoremen's Association, which represented the dock workers, had threatened to strike a day later.

The strike would have shut down major ports, including the port of New York and New Jersey, the largest on the East Coast and the second-largest port in the U.S. to handle manufactured goods from China.

Earlier Friday, The White House had urged the parties to resolve their differences. The dispute centered on a cap to payments to dock workers based on the weight of the container cargo, known as "container royalties."

The new contract does not eliminate the royalty payments, according to Benny Holland, an executive vice president for the ILA.

"The royalty will stay intact. We have worked out a formula for it," he said in an interview.

Established in 1960, the royalty payments to ILA workers are based on the tons of container cargo that move through a port. That tonnage has risen from 50 million tons in 1996 to 110 million last year, according to the alliance. Total payments last year were $211 million, according to the USMX, or an average of $15,500 per worker.

The original idea was to protect longshoremen from wage losses expected as a result of "containerization," in which more and more goods are packed in the now-familiar 20- and 40-foot long boxes. Those take less manpower to off-load than the less-standardized containers they replaced.

Both sides also fought over the guaranteed eight-hour workday in the current contract and the seven-man "lashing gang." Lashing crews, or gangs, secure the cargo containers to the vessel using metal lashing rods to keep them from moving while the vessel is at sea. The maritime alliance wanted to eliminate each.

?The container royalty payment issue has been agreed upon in principle by the parties, subject to?achieving an overall collective bargaining agreement. The parties have further agreed to an?additional extension of 30 days (i.e., until midnight, January 28, 2013) during which time the?parties shall negotiate all remaining outstanding Master Agreement issues, including those?relating to New York and New Jersey," the federal mediator's statement said.

CNBC and?Reuters?contributed to this report.



Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/business/east-coast-port-strike-averted-parties-agree-last-minute-deal-1C7753896

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NJ Home Improvement Contractor in Bergen County -Hardwood ...


NJ Home Improvement Contractor NJ Home Improvement As a NJ Home Improvement contractor,PANGIONE DEVELOPERS INC. we are installing many complete home renovations that include both a new raised level in addition to a completely revised first floor plan with a first floor extension. The existing first floor usually always has the original hardwood flooring. You NJ home improvement contractor will remove several walls during the home renovation. Your NJ Home Improvement Contractor will then be left with a decision. How will he be able to repair and install hardwood on the first floor. Remember, the original walls were removed. On the floor will be 4 1/2? wide gaps from where the walls used to lie. If a twenty foot wall was removed then there will be a 20? x 4 1/2? gap in the floor. There are 2 choices. The first is to remove ALL the hardwood flooring throughout the first floor. Then reinstall the new. If you are not worried about the budget and or the numbers work out, then this option is fine. The second choice is to feather the old hardwood in with the new hardwood flooring. Your Home Improvement Contractor will use a staggering or weaving process. He will remove the nearest pieces and fill with new hardwood accordingly. When ready, he will sand the entire floor as well as the weaved areas all together. When completed, your first floor will look absolutely brand new. The positive here is that you were able to salvage the existing hardwood thus saving you a good deal of ?

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Source: http://www.cohocton.org/204-nj-home-improvement-contractor-in-bergen-county-hardwood-floor

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Early Apple Computer And Tablet Designs Reveal The iMac And iPad That Might Have Been

apple01Apple worked closely with Frogdesign during the eighties, creating Apple's early design language and charting the visual path of Apple computers from the Apple IIc to the Macintosh. Frogdesign founder Hartmut Esslinger's fingerprints are all over those early, iconic designs, and in a new book, he reveals some concepts for Apple computers and tablets that never made it to market.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/168kAXTBx34/

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Snowstorm hits Northeast, parts of Ohio

NEW YORK (AP) ? A widespread winter storm dumped snow over the Northeast and parts of Ohio on Saturday, just days after the regions were hit by another storm moving from the nation's midsection.

The National Weather Service expected up to a foot of snow in parts of southern New England, with the heaviest snowfall possibly in Providence, R.I., and Boston, which declared parking bans to allow snow removal vehicles to clean the streets. Winter storm warnings were in effect in parts of those states and in Connecticut.

New York City and Philadelphia saw a mix of rain and snow as the storm moved in from the west. In Ohio, Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati saw about 2 to 5 inches of snow by Saturday afternoon, the National Weather Service said.

"Expect those accumulations to kind of work their way northeastward through much of New York state and much of New England," weather service meteorologist Brian Hurley said.

Drivers throughout the regions were warned to be cautious. Officials lowered the speed limit on much of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, about 300 miles from the Ohio state line to east-central Pennsylvania, from 65 mph to 45 mph.

About 20 vehicles piled up in a storm-related chain-reaction crash on Interstate 93 in New Hampton, N.H., police said, and five people were injured.

In Albany, N.Y., a regional jet skidded into a snow bank at the airport and became stuck, temporarily stranding passengers en route to Chicago. The 66 passengers and four crew members aboard the GoJet Airlines flight, operating as United Express, were put on a bus and sent back to the airport. There were no injuries, and the incident didn't cause any other flight delays, airport authority spokesman Doug Myers said.

Flights at Philadelphia's airport, mostly arrivals, were delayed about an hour, spokeswoman Stacy Jackson said.

Parts of southern Indiana saw 6 to 8 inches of snow from the storm, some in areas that had received more than a foot from a blizzard earlier in the week.

That blizzard was part of a storm system that dumped more than a foot of snow in some places and has been blamed for at least 16 deaths. It also spawned more than a dozen tornadoes in Alabama, the National Weather Service said.

But Saturday's snow wasn't as heavy as that of the previous storm, the weather service said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/weeks-2nd-snowstorm-hits-northeast-parts-ohio-003451577.html

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China firm to acquire major African iron ore mine

BEIJING (AP) ? A privately owned Chinese company is finalizing the acquisition of an Australian mining firm that controls a major iron ore mine in west Africa, a move that would give China a stronger role in setting global iron ore prices, China's official Xinhua News Agency reported Saturday.

Xinhua, citing officials from Hanlong Group, said Hanlong plans to complete the acquisition of Sundance Resources Ltd. for 45 Australian cents (50 cents) per share by March 1, after submitting paperwork to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Calls to Hanlong's headquarters in southwestern China's Sichuan province went unanswered Saturday.

Sundance controls the Mbalam iron ore mine, which straddles Cameroon and the Republic of Congo.

Hanlong is seeking a partnership with Chinese state-owned companies and investing $5 billion to develop the Mbalam project and to build a 550-kilometer (340-mile) railway and a shipping port, Xinhua said. Operations are expected to begin in 2014, it said.

As the world's second-largest economy, China is eager to acquire overseas assets and resources to feed its rapid growth.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/china-firm-acquire-major-african-iron-ore-mine-052727138--finance.html

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Games.com's Best of 2012: Family Game of the Year

Best Family Game 2012While it's largely thanks to what might be the ultimate family gaming console, family gamers have quite a lot to be thankful for in 2012. From one of the most robust mini game suites to date to the most prolific toy of the year (that's also a game), 2012 may be the best year for the gaming family since the launch of the original Wii. With the help of Games.com's own friends and family, here are our top choices for best family games of 2012.
Skylanders Giants

Skylanders Giants

The innovative kids toy by Toys for Bob (and co.) already set a standard in 2011, but this direct sequel builds on that success with even larger characters both physically and virtually. But what Skylanders did best was breathe new life into toys overall, which for kids born in recent years often pale in comparison to video games.
Just Dance 4

Just Dance 4

While Ubisoft (and Harmonix with Dance Central) run the risk of contracting Guitar Hero syndrome, there's no sense in not living it up while it lasts. Just Dance 4 is the more accessible and widely available dancing game, with a vast, varied track list spanning five decades of dance music. What's most impressive about Just Dance 4 is how it incorporates the exclusive features of each console, like the new Puppet Master Mode on Wii U.
New Super Mario Bros. U

New Super Mario Bros. U

It's probably safe to say that most gaming families grew up with Mario in their lives. The latest in the storied series only makes it easier for folks that "aren't gamers" to join in on the fun with modes developed solely for the GamePad. And what fun it is: Mario's 2D adventures haven't been this expansive and vibrant since his first outing on the Super Nintendo.
Scribblenauts Unlimited

Scribblenauts Unlimited

Back in the days of the DS, Scribblenauts wowed us with its emergent puzzle-solving play and the near endless possibilities it presented. Now, on the Wii U and 3DS, developer 5th Cell has opted to push the concept to its limits, allowing players to navigate a world using their limitless, versatile item creation skills. But ultimately, with multiplayer, Scribblenauts Unlimited allows kids and parents alike to tap their imaginative, creative side with an infinite canvas.
Nintendo Land

Nintendo Land

What Wii Sports was to the Wii, this collection of mini (and some not-so mini) games is the finest showcase of what the Wii U is capable of. It's true that Nintendo Land works best in company, but that's the point of family gaming. Not only does this suite evoke simple, lasting joy, but it introduces new (perhaps young) gamers to otherwise "hardcore" play concepts and franchises in extremely entertaining and palatable ways--a true achievement in the genre and Games.com's best family game of 2012.

Games.com Best of 2012 Advisory Board

Readers' Choice

Have something unique to add to the debate? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.

Source: http://blog.games.com/2012/12/28/best-family-games-2012/

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Wait! Government did cause the housing bubble.

Congress's Community Reinvestment Act, aimed at helping the poor afford housing, did lead banks to make much riskier mortgage loans, a new study finds.?

By Peter G. Klein,?Guest blogger / December 28, 2012

In this 2011 file photo, a foreclosed house with sale pending sign is shown in Tigard, Ore. A new study finds that government incentives fueled the subprime lending boom and the housing bubble.

Don Ryan/AP/File


Austrian business cycle theory explains the general pattern of the boom-bust cycle ? credit expansion, lowered interest rates, malinvestment, crash, liquidation ? but the particulars differ in each historical case. (Austrians sometimes?distinguish??typical? from ?unique? features of each cycle.) To explain particular episodes, we appeal to specific technological, regulatory, political, legal, or other conditions. For example, in the 1990s, much of the malinvestment was channeled into the IT sector, where uncertainty driven by rapid technological change made entrepreneurs particularly susceptible to forecasting?errors. In the 2000s, of course, malinvestment appeared largely in real estate, the result of government programs designed to relax underwriting standards and otherwise increase investment in particularly risky real-estate assets. In other words, ABCT tells us to look for malinvestment during the boom, but not where that malinvestment will show up.

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Regarding the latter example, however, there has been a persistent dispute among mainstream economists about the role of government housing policy, particularly the?Community Reinvestment Act?which was used, in the 1990s, to make banks increase their lending to particular low-income neighborhoods.?Paul Krugman?asserts,?for example, that the ?Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 was irrelevant to the subprime boom.? Actually, no. A?new NBER paper?(gated) on the CRA is causing quite a stir. Authored by four economists from NYU, MIT, Northwestern, and Chicago, the paper is the first to use instrumental-variables regression to distinguish changes in bank lending caused by the CRA from changes that would likely have happened anyway. (The authors use the timing of loan decisions relative to the dates of CRA audits to identify the effect of the CRA on lending.) The results suggest that CRA enforcement did, contra Krugman, lead banks to make substantially riskier loans than otherwise.?Raghu Rajan?puts it in a very Austrian-sounding way:

Great Suggestions To Propel Your Social Media ... - Maynas Eric

Running an Internet business can be complicated, because something new is always popping up. New sites, new methods, and new players keep the marketplace interesting but the constant change can be intimidating. Using social media sites to market, for example, is the latest method of communicating with new customers, but you must learn the ropes first. Here are some great tips so you?re in the know on social media marketing.

YouTube can be a valuable social media marketing tool. YouTube works great to attract new people to your website, because your posted videos have already provided them with a preview of what you have to offer. This will increase the chances that visitors will make purchases.

Use the greatest number of media outlets possible to make the most of social media when marketing a service or product. Though Facebook is perhaps the best known vehicle, you should never disregard the potential of other sites including Twitter and Myspace. The more people that see you, the more you are likely to benefit from the exposure.

TIP! If you run a blog for your business, allow readers to retweet the content easily via a button included with each posting. This makes it much easier for other people to share your the content through twitter.

Utilize tools like Twellow or Tweepi that are related to Twitter. These tools help to pinpoint all of the people who can have a positive impact on your site. They will allow you to pinpoint which people or companies you should follow, so that they will notice you and follow your content, too.

Contests and giveaways are a proven strategy for pulling people to your product on Facebook. Your products can be awarded as a winning prize to those who win the contests you hold. This gives back to your followers, while marketing your company at the same time.

Your social media pages should have buttons all over. In addition, an RSS feed that provides all your updates is a good thing to have. Make this stand out on your blog, website, emails and also signatures whenever you leave a comment on the internet. This really gives the look and feel of a legitimate social user and not just a cold, dry business. Make sure you also take the opportunity to link everything together into a fluid network.

TIP! If you do not want to offend your social media fans, avoid putting up any content that is really personal or even remotely political. You want your customer to feel connected to you through your voice and personality, but you also want them to feel comfortable doing business with you professionally.

Set up an automatic tweet for every post you make to your Internet blog. With this in mind, choose a few quality bloggers and use the Twitter API to automatically tweet links to any new posts they make. These bloggers will enjoy the exposure, and your readers will appreciate the new content.

Make it nearly impossible for readers to not click through to your site by using creativity in your titles. Good titles encourage readers to notice and view your marketing content.

TIP! Help yourself be seen as a well educated professional in your field. This will really help you create a steady supply of business online.

When hiring a company to help you market with social media, make sure that the company uses two-way communication. Once you have verified that they are capable of understanding this, you will feel more comfortable using them to engage your target audience. Look at their existing social media pages ? how do their clients feel about them?

If you apply the suggestions in this article, social media marketing can be effective and enjoyable. Try several techniques, and determine which ones are most effective for your business. The Internet offers many effective ways to attract and connect with customers. It is important to stay up to date, and be the first to utilize new online marketing strategies. If you want your business to boom, take advantage of social media.

Join me on Facebook:


Source: http://www.maynaseric.com/great-suggestions-to-propel-your-social-media-marketing-forward-6

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Starvation didn't wipe out saber-toothed cats

Saber-toothed cats apparently did not go extinct for lack of prey, contradicting a popular explanation for why they died off, fossil evidence now suggests.

Even near their extinction, saber-toothed cats likely had enough to eat, researchers noted.

Saber-toothed cats, American lions, woolly mammoths and other giant creatures once roamed across the American landscape. However, at the end of the late Pleistocene about 12,000 years ago, these "megafauna" went extinct, a die-off called the Quaternary extinction.

"The popular theory for the megafaunal extinction is that either the changing climate at the end of the last ice age or human activity, or some combination of the two, killed off most of the large mammals," said researcher Larisa DeSantis, a vertebrate paleontologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

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      The past year saw plenty of controversy over ancient mysteries ? and we're not just talking about Maya prophecies. So what happened to "Franken-saurus," the Gospel of Jesus' Wife and the plan to clone a woolly mammoth?

    2. Unselfish brain cells found in monkeys
    3. Starvation didn't wipe out saber-toothed cats
    4. Two new orchid species found

"In the case of the great cats, we expect that it would have been increasingly difficult for them to find prey, especially if had to compete with humans. We know that when food becomes scarce, carnivores like the great cats tend to consume more of the carcasses they kill. If they spent more time chomping on bones, it should cause detectable changes in the wear patterns on their teeth."

Tale of the teeth
To learn more about saber-toothed diets, the researchers analyzed the fossil teeth of 15 saber-toothed cats (Smilodon fatalis) and 15 American lions (Panthera atrox) recovered from the La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles. These specimens ranged from about 11,500 to 35,000 years in age.

To study the fossils, the scientists used dental microwear texture analysis, developed by anthropologist Peter Ungar at the University of Arkansas. This involves using generating three-dimensional images of a tooth's surface. The image is then analyzed for microscopic grooves ? devouring red meat produces small parallel scratches, while biting on bones lead to larger, deeper pits.

The investigation found the pattern of wear on the teeth of the saber-toothed cat most closely resembled those of present-day African lions, which sometimes crush bone when they eat. The wear pattern on American lion teeth, on the other hand, echoed that of the present-day cheetah, which deliberately avoids bones when it feeds. [ Photos: A Lion's Life ]

Analysis of both older fossils and more recent ones did not reveal any evidence that patterns of wear changed over time, and none had extreme microwear like living hyenas, which consume entire carcasses, bones included. This suggests that prey for these carnivores was not scarce ? the animals were not gnawing their victims to the bone.

"Tooth wear patterns suggest that these cats were not desperately consuming entire carcasses, as was expected, and instead seemed to be living the 'good life' during the late Pleistocene, at least up until the very end," DeSantis said.

Big predator extinction
Past research of teeth from American lions, saber-tooth cats, dire wolves and coyotes from La Brea revealed they experienced three times the number of broken teeth of contemporary predators, hinting that these species were having trouble finding prey and were thus urgently devouring or "processing" whole carcasses. This led scientists to suspect that climate change and human competition were making life tough for the big predators.

Instead, DeSantis and her colleagues argue this high rate of damage seen in teeth more likely resulted during capture of prey instead of feeding on carcasses.

"We expected extinct carnivores to show evidence for extreme bone processing, based on the high number of broken teeth determined from prior research. Finding the complete opposite pattern was shocking!" DeSantis said.

The researchers noted that saber-toothed cats were about the size of today's African lion, while the American lion was about 25 percent larger. They fed on giants such as mammoths and four-ton giant ground sloths. The fact these ancient carnivores and their prey were bigger than contemporary predators and their victims could help explain why the extinct cats had more broken teeth than their living brethren, the investigators said. . [ Gallery: Today's Threatened Mammals ]

Specifically, larger teeth break more easily than smaller teeth, so larger carnivores may be likely to break more teeth when attempting to take down larger prey. The researchers noted past studies that found the canines of a predator the size of fox can support more than seven times the fox's weight before breaking, while a carnivore the size of lion can only support about four times its weight and the curved teeth of saber-toothed cats could only support about twice the animal's weight.

"The net result of our study is to raise questions about the reigning hypothesis that 'tough times' during the late Pleistocene contributed to the gradual extinction of large carnivores," DeSantis said. "While we can not determine the exact cause of their demise, it is unlikely that the extinction of these cats was a result of gradually declining prey."

Currently, the scientists are examining other carnivores at the La Brea tar pits, "including the extinct giant short-faced bear and the extant mountain lion that is found both during the Pleistocene at La Brea and in southern California and elsewhere today," DeSantis told LiveScience.

"Essentially, we are trying to clarify the biology and diets of these carnivores during the past to further evaluate why the short-faced bear went extinct and, potentially, why the mountain lion did not."

DeSantis and Ungar, with their colleagues Blaine Schubert and Jessica Scott, detailed their findings online Dec. 26 in the journal PLOS ONE.

Follow LiveScience on Twitter@livescience. We're also on Facebook & Google+.

? 2012 LiveScience.com. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/50313487/ns/technology_and_science-science/

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Nathan Followill and Jessie Baylin Welcome Daughter Violet Marlowe

Nathan Followill and his wife Jessie Baylin welcomed daughter Violet Marlowe Followill on Wednesday, Dec. 26, his rep confirms to PEOPLE.

Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/joLIu6Rr8E4/

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Is Google Using AdWords Express Budgets To Promote Google+?

Google now offers small businesses using its AdWords Express service a way to promote their Google+ pages seemingly everywhere but on Google+ itself, which Google reasserts should be an ad-free zone. That?omission may make these ads less effective for those seeking new customers or followers to their Google+ pages. Meanwhile, the push gets those same small businesses spending their advertising dollars to promote Google+ itself for Google.

AdWords Express & Google+ Pages

In case you?re not?familiar?with AdWords Express, it?s Google?s version of automated paid search. With AdWord Express, small and local businesses who are in a time crunch and don?t have time to properly set up campaigns let Google run their ads. Google then chooses where to show the ads. Some will appear in Google search results, based on terms that Google selects. Some appear within Google Maps. Some appear on non-Google sites that are part of the Google advertising network.

Since some small businesses don?t have web sites, Google has offered them free ones to use with AdWords Express through its Get Your Business Online service. But now, Google has said businesses can drive visitors to their Google+ pages.

In a?post?late last week Christian Oestlien, a member of?Google Product Management, announced that AdWords Express would now ?offer? businesses a new way to promote their Google+ pages:

Along with the announcement Oestlien mentioned that this option would be available for all Google properties ? except, well, Google+. In fact Oestlien took a puesdo-swing at Facebook by stating:

? we only show these promotions when they?re appropriate?not overwhelming people with random ads when they?re trying to spend time with friends

Why No Advertising On Google+?

Many could argue that if you are trying ?attract more followers? they would want to do so on Google+ itself. Why show social network ads in search? Why show them for your Google+ page in maps? This is a hard stance that Google+ took throughout 2012. But the thing is, social ads work. There simply isn?t a better place for admins to try and grow fans with ads than from targeted ads in the social network.

Well, Can You Advertise To Just Google+ Users?

The answer is no. A Google representative?confirmed to us that the only targeting option is ?normal targeting,? so it will reach everyone. This is a huge negative for those AdWords Express advertisers who are trying to build a following for their Google+ page. Seeing that you can?t advertise on the social network and you can?t target those across the Google network with a Google+ enabled account, you have no guarantee that a click is coming from someone who has a Google+ account or if they have even heard of Google+ before.

So Just What Is This New Service That Google Is ?Offering??

The 10,000 foot view of this announcement reads like this:

  • You give your money to Google to handle online advertising
  • Google spends your money across their network
  • Instead of driving traffic to your site, the new?announcement??offers? businesses the ability to let Google drive traffic to a Google property
  • The goal is to ?attract new followers and customers? but Google can?t show ads within the social network itself.
  • Nor can active Google+ users be targeted

Why Is This A Bit Suspect?

While Google+ has been relatively successful, it has come at the hands of a huge investment. From advertising during big NFL games, to worldwide print and TV campaigns, to big NFL partnerships, Google has spent?inordinate marketing resources on the Google+ product. In a way, Google is now leveraging AdWords Express users? budgets to do so too.

The glaring lack of ability to target ads on Google+ itself, or even to target users who are on Google+ makes for un-targeted, poor advertising for those looking to build their pages. The majority of those users who click will have to be sold on Google+ first before they can follow a brand page. Instead of hitting active users, advertisers are simply handing money to Google to blast the budget across the general Google network.

None of the other social networks operate in this fashion. Facebook offers a variety of advertising options across the social network, Twitter has a handful of ad options across Twitter. The key is that all of these are on the network that has that social scent trail to it.

So Is This New Service Helpful For Anyone?

Is this worth doing? In some cases, absolutely. If a company doesn?t have resources for a website and they don?t want to promote their Facebook page, this gives them an option to get up and running. If you are on a shoestring budget and need a landing page, this option may?quench?your?thirst?for more eyeballs. The issue isn?t with the ?attract new customers? statement that Oestlien made, but more about the attraction of new followers aspect as there is no Google+ user targeting built into the service.

While this new targeting may look valuable at-a-glance, severe lack of targeting makes it tough to recommend to anyone. From Google?s standpoint however, this would be an ideal selection for advertisers as a big byproduct of the budget is more awareness of the Google+ product.

Related Topics: Google | Google: Google+ | Top News

SMX - Search Marketing Expo

Source: http://marketingland.com/is-google-using-adwords-express-budgets-to-promote-google-29583

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Video: ?Rescue Me? singer Fontella Bass dies at 72

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Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50310414/

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Cliff looms: Kicking the Can, Washington-style

WASHINGTON (AP) ? When it comes to the nation's budget challenges, congressional leaders are fond of saying dismissively they don't want to kick the can down the road.

But now, a deadline hard ahead, even derided half-measures are uncertain as President Barack Obama and lawmakers struggle to avert across-the-board tax increases and spending cuts that comprise an economy-threatening fiscal cliff.

Congressional officials said Wednesday they knew of no significant strides toward a compromise over a long Christmas weekend, and no negotiations have been set.

After conferring on a conference call, House Republican leaders said they remain ready for talks, urged the Senate to consider a House-passed bill that extends all existing tax cuts, but gave no hint they intend to call lawmakers back into session unless the Senate first passes legislation.

"The lines of communication remain open, and we will continue to work with our colleagues to avert the largest tax hike in American history, and to address the underlying problem, which is spending," the leadership said in a statement.

A short while later Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. countered that the House leadership should allow action on a Senate-passed bill that lets income tax rates rise only on incomes above $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples. The measure could "pass tomorrow" if put to a vote, he said.

The Senate is due in session Thursday, although the immediate agenda includes legislation setting the rules for government surveillance of suspected spies and terrorists abroad, including Americans, as well as a measure providing $60 billion for victims of Superstorm Sandy.

Obama decided to cut short his Hawaii vacation for an overnight flight expected to get him back to the White House on Thursday.

Apart from the cliff, other financial challenges loom for divided government, where political brinkmanship has become the norm. The Treasury disclosed during the day it would take accounting measures to avoid reaching the government's borrowing limit of $16.4 trillion by year's end. The changes will provide about two months of additional leeway.

Separately, spending authority for much of the government will expire on March 27, 2013.

After weeks of negotiations, the president urged lawmakers late last week to scale back their ambitions for avoiding the fiscal cliff and send him legislation preventing tax cuts on all but the highest-earning Americans and extending unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. Longer, term, he said he still supports deficit cuts that were key to the earlier talks.

"Everybody's got to give a little bit in a sensible way," he said at the White House.

The House has no plans to convene, following last week's rebellion in which conservatives torpedoed Speaker John Boehner's legislation to prevent scheduled tax increases on most, while letting them take effect on million-dollar wage earners.

"How we get there, God only knows," the Ohio Republican said of efforts to protect the economy ? and taxpayers ? from the tax increases and spending cuts.

"Now is the time to show leadership, not kick the can down the road," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said a little over a week ago after Boehner announced he would shift his own focus from bipartisan talks to the approach that eventually was torpedoed by his own rank and file.

It's a phrase that political leaders use when they want to suggest others want to avoid tackling major problems, and one that Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia and even Obama as well as Reid have used.

"We have a spending problem. We have to address it, And we're not going to address it by kicking the can down the road," the speaker said at a news conference late last week when he was asked about setting a vote on a plan that Democrats find acceptable.

Cantor recently used the same approach in challenging Obama to agree to savings from Medicare and other benefit programs. "This has to be a part of this agreement or else we just continue to dig the hole deeper, asking folks to allow us to kick the can down the road further and that we don't want to do," he said on Nov. 28.

In fact, it's a phrase that has been in use for over a year as Obama and Republicans jockey for position on pocketbook issues.

In July 2011, when he was struggling with Republicans over the threat of a first-ever government default, Obama said he had "heard reports that there may be some in Congress who want to do just enough to make sure that America avoids defaulting on our debt in the short term. But then wants to kick the can down the road when it comes to solving the larger problem, our deficit."

A few months later, an extension of a payroll tax cut was the issue, and Boehner was insisting on a year-long renewal rather than the temporary plan that passed the Senate with votes from lawmakers in both parties.

"How can you do tax policy for two months?" he asked on Dec. 18, 2011. "I believe that two months is just kicking the can down the road.

"The American people are tired of that."

At issue now is series of tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to kick in with the new year that economists caution could send the economy into a recession.


AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/cliff-looms-kicking-washington-style-190538562--politics.html

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